Rhetoric of Decline

In this episode of High Theory, Jed Esty talks about the Rhetoric of Decline. Declinism names the contradictory political narrative that America will always be the greatest country in the world, yet is in constant danger of losing its place in the global pecking order. Studying this rhetorical log-jam reveals its prominence on both the left and the right, and its toxic effects on our national discourse. But comparing the end of America’s empire to Britain’s imperial decline in the twentieth century can help us muddle out of this mess. 

The basis of our conversation is Jed’s recent book The Future of Decline: Anglo-American Culture at Its Limits (Stanford UP, 2022).  It’s a cool short book with an x-ray spaceman on the cover. You should read it, even if this isn’t usually your cup of tea. 

Jed Esty is the Vartan Gregorian Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches and writes about Anglophone literature after 1850, with special interests in modernism, critical theory, history and theory of the novel, colonial and postcolonial studies, the Victorian novel, and post-45 U.S. culture. He is the author of Unseasonable Youth: Modernism, Colonialism, and the Fiction of Development (Oxford 2012) and A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England (Princeton 2004). 

This week’s image was made by Saronik Bosu in June of 2023.

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Settler Colonialism

Kim talks with Margaret Nash about settler colonialism.

Margaret Nash is an Emeritus Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California Riverside.

You can watch her explain her research on settler colonialism and land grant universities in her talk: “An Unacknowledged Legacy.

Her recent article “Entangled Pasts: Land-Grant Colleges and American Indian DispossessionHigher Education Quarterly 59 No. 4 (November 2019) examines the long reach of settler colonialism in US Higher Education.

In the episode, Margaret references a book of political theory by Adam Dahl, titled Empire of the People: Settler Colonialism and the Foundations of Modern Democratic Thought.

The image is taken from the cover of a 1992 booklet on HIV Prevention in Native American Communities.

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